C/C++ for machine vision and AI
งบประมาณ : -
Freelance C/C++ programming for engineering 66-81-596-0848
I am looking for the jobs relating to these topics. The jobs can be a pure programming, a project consultant, a trainer or module development.
1. Neural network -back propagation, LM 2. Fuzzy system -Generating rules from numerical data 3. Ant Colony System for vehicle routing with window time constrain 4. OpenGL-IGES file interfacing 5. Machine Vision : Inspection system 5.1 Discolored surface 5.2 BLOB analysis 5.3 Fast template matching 5.4 Automated system for improving image quality 5.5 Edge Counting 5.6 Translational and rotational detection 6. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) -Single objective optimization -Multi objectives optimization (MOPSO) -With or without constrains 7. FFT, wavelet packet transformation 8. Dimensionality reduction via PCA, Fisher's LDA, and FCBF
My resume can be submitted on request.